I'm a part time teacher, and I absolutely LOVE my job. I go in at 10:00 and leave around 3:00, and the pay is pretty decent. As my dad would say, "You should write a book" of the funny, sad, and emotional stories I experience on a daily basis. Without further adieu, here's a quite funny story...
The other day, I was reviewing a ton of content (vocabulary, etc.), to help my students with their upcoming mid-term. Background: MANY teacher don't do this, but I think it's important. I always look around to my students to make sure they are paying attention AND the latest; to watch for them listening to their IPOD's. They try to hide the earphone cords behind hair, clothes, or even turning their head to the side (yes, I know what your thinking). So, I'm reviewing (something they all should be thankful for) and I look over at a freshman girl in the FRONT row with her eyes closed, lip singing, and bobbing her head. "What the hell?" I thought to myself. I look at her and make eye contact, "What are you doing?" no response, but at this point the other students are laughing (which is exactly the attention she wanted) . She looks around, pushes her hair aside, pulls her earphone out and replies, "uhhhhhh?"
At this point, I was holding back laughter....sometimes these kids crack me up. This is why I love my job, because this is what I deal with.
Your students are sooo funny! Who was it? I have to know.
ReplyDeleteI think I would be mad...Maybe offended