Monday, February 16, 2009

Lemon Blueberry Muffins

I found a great blueberry muffin recipe on a cute baking blog (she has some great recipes). So my normal thing to do with recipes...tweaking them...I made this one a lemon blueberry muffin. The recipe call for lemon rind and that's it! I HATE wasting food, so I added lemon juice too. And lovintheoven also suggested to add some yogurt to make it more moist. So I did!

The recipe:
Use the recipe as is, but if you want to make them with a little lemon flavor add...

Juice of half a lemon
2 heaping Tbs vanilla yogurt

When you add the vanilla extract, add the lemon juice and yogurt into the bowl.

Tips when tweaking recipes:
1. Always keep you liquid to dry ratio as even as the original (adding the yogurt and NOT a dry is fine). When baking with cake mixes, you can easily add around 1/2 cup of yogurt or mayo to make your cake more moist (any more, you'd have to add a dry i.e. pudding powder, etc.)

2. Try to use random liquid/dry item, found in the store (when I make my Chocolate Banana Cake, I use banana smoothy mix as an added dry).

3. Don't be scared! To be completely honest: I tweak almost everything I make so whenever I make something for someone it's normal a leap of faith. But once you understand "tweaking" (that kind of sounds bad-you know what I mean) and can do it successfully, it will be like second nature.

4. Good Luck!  

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